August 5, 2011

friday loves!

happy friday loves!
i have worked an entire week - HUGE accomplishment over here!
so needless to say, i am looking forward to this weekend
even if it is a somewhat busy one!
that being said, i should have SOME down time
and hope to get some crafty crochet done!
i have been feeling super inspired lately 
and *ahem* might be participating in a craft fair this fall!

so, to start off what i'm loving/have loved this week:
these adorable bows i learned to crochet!
i'm thinkin i can slap some clips on them and they'd make super cute hair accessories!

blue bubble gum jones soda!
omg, wow.
i know soda isn't technically good for me right now
but i can't help it!
it's all mandee's fault! she bought them for my baby shower
and yeah, i polished off like every single one!
the two new CD's that i purchased this week!
joss is one of my favorites, ever 
i think i am loving the incubus album even more! 
i wish i could go see them in september when they come
but yeah, it's like 8 days before my due date :(

this mobile:
in blues, grey and white of course!
the best part about it - the circles are made from paint chip samples
which are FREE at your local hardware store!
it's going to look absolutely perfect in rhys' room!
which, speaking of, is FULL of stuff!
about 10 boxes of diapers, 5 boxes of wipes
and 400 loads of laundry to be done!
i have to get some shelves and a few other things 
but it's all coming together!
i even threw this cutie together last night to place on a shelf for decor
clothespins & mason jar from mandee
i might even tie a cute ribbon around the jar for added cuteness!

i am nesting :)
well - i WANT too nest
er, i am trying too anyway!
i am disgusted with my messy/dirty/clutter-fied house!
i want to scrub walls and floors with a toothbrush
i want to vacuum and redecorate
i want the house to smell CLEAN!
i just don't have all the energy that i need to get it done
but i am slowly chipping away at it! 
bigeye will be the apple of MY eye soon enough ;)

along with nesting - little mister has dropped a smidge!
i have noticed that i can breathe a little easier
and don't tire out as much when talking
plus, the melon belly seems a little lower than normal
this makes me happy! :)

little bigger mister has slept in his own bed all week long!
this is HUGE!
i have had to go in there each night but i'll take laying with him for half hour or so
in exchange for my side of the bed back! 
last night was also a big night for us/him
he went to sleep with NO NINNY!
all week long, he hasn't slept with it IN his mouth
but he has held it while going to sleep
last night - we didn't offer it to him. he cried for it a bit 
but we told him that he was a big boy and ninny's were only for babies!
this morning, i sent him to the sitters without a ninny!
i hope he's doing well :) 
now we just have to find all the randoms laying around the house
and dispose, quickly! 

i cashed in some points on two of my accounts
[shhh don't tell!]
& scored a 25$ gift card to PF Changs
& a 10$ gift card to starbucks!  :D :D :D
and all i did was click the link in the emails that were sent to me daily
clicking for gift cards? done deal dude!

THIS blog post
aka - this blog/pinterest link up!
it's so awesome to see real life people
attempting projects found on pinterest that look too good to be true
it's not only awesome but inspiring!
cuz this girl is STILL obsessed with pinterest!

two of my girlfriends had their babies =D
congrats to jessi on the birth of her little girl
and congrats to christina on the birth of her little man!
i got the pleasure of meeting both of them 
but sadly, only took pictures of christina's little boy dj.
how precious is he??? 
and how cute is he in the hat that i made for him??!! ;)

i forgot how easy it is to list and sell things there!
i listed two things this week:
kullen's bedding/nursery set
and the nikond5000 (broken) camera body
and both definitely sold and i definitely made over 200$
just for getting rid of stuff that i didn't need anymore!
i can see this becoming another addiction of mine!


i'm also loving that it's lunch time
this big giL is HUNGRY!! ;)
have a good weekend lovies!

1 comment:

Patty B said...

I'm pretty sure I'm due within a couple of days of you and your nesting paragraph took the words right out of my mouth!