and his big boy bed. things have continued to go well, minus the last couple nights. sunday, he was in his bed as normal but coughed/hacked his lungs up for a good two hours before i finally brought him in my room and propped him up to keep sinuses/snot from draining. seemed to help. monday night, we all fell asleep [not sure who went first: him or us] and woke up to alarms so yeah, oops! and then last night, we were watching TV and kullen had fallen asleep but woke up coughing and threw up all over our bed. in fear that something might be wrong [tummy virus versus just throwing up from a cough/choke] i kept in him bed with me. turns out, he is perfectly fine as he slept soundly through the night. but tonight, my friends, it's back to the big boy bed!
we did put a TV in his room. it was nice to bring down some VHS tapes from the attic for him to watch. of course, he peeped the original Toy Story and that hasn't left the VCR. he LOVES 'buzz and oody'. he loves them so much that he's been running upstairs after dinner/before tub and asking for 'buzz and oody'!
i'm ALMOST done in his room, i swear. i am searching the house for the top, light and filter for his 45gal hex tank [spoiled, yes?] and once that is up and running - i will take pictures and reveal the big boy room!
big man has also been ninny free for a while! :) we had been gradually giving/offering it to him less and less. he has also been biting holes and tips off them and then wouldn't want them when they were 'broke'. we also kept telling him that ninny's were for babies and we would have to give them all to rhys soon! since we moved him in his bed, he had been bringing on but not using it - just holding it in his hand. one morning, i left it there [aka, sent him to daycare without one at all]. he went all weekend without! he was quite the brat over the weekend and i'm sure part of it was from not having it but i think we've gotten past it now and he's alright! he still asks for it on occasion but we just remind him they're gone or they're for babies and he seems to be okay with it! i have to admit, this transition is MUCH easier than i thought it was going to be.
potty: aka, the death of me. this boy will NOT go in the potty. we were doing SO well [well, with poo anyway] but that has even stopped. he can hold his pee but refuses to go in the potty. i tried sitting him on it, i tried standing him on it, i tried getting a stool for him to stand on and he still wants absolutely nothing to do with it. i guess i shouldn't be too discouraged considering we're making significant progress in the big boy bed and no ninny! that will be our next mission!
rhys' room:
does anyone know how to hang pom poms? like these ones:
obviously, his are blue but the pictures of blue ones on pinterest are sporadic and i want his clustered together, in a corner, like above! at first, i bunched them all together how i liked and taped - they fell within minutes. then i tried taping each individual pom but those fell within hours. HELP! hubby says to staple them? i didn't want to go that route and have tiny holes all over one corner of the ceiling but he thinks tape is just as bad. regardless - i know that i need to have one pom as close to the ceiling as possible to hide the way they are hung. any suggestions?
is good! don't get me wrong, i can't WAIT to be done and finishing up things in the room, having our hospital tour and getting our pictures taken make me all the more anxious for him to just BE here already, but all in all - i have it pretty good. i see so many friends on facebook with complications, met people at the hospital tour with them and remember friends previous pregnancies and am thanking my lucky stars that i don't have any problems. i really have absolutely NO reason to complain. i am healthy, my baby is healthy and that is all that matters to me. i am not high risk and have had minimal complications. PTL!
we are doing maternity pictures tonight with jessica! i am very excited. girlfriend has a great eye for photography and i know she will make me beautiful even if i don't feel like i am. **professional style pictures make me nervous. i always feel super cheesy and end up looking like a retard**
i realized that i'm 34 weeks and do not have the pregnancy 'line' [aka linea negra]. i had it with kullen, DARK, and fairly sure that it came early. i figure i won't get it this time since it hasn't shown up yet. i do, however, have the dreadful stretch marks :( i know i've talked about them before - so i'll shut up now!
poor thing is falling apart. root canals and foot doctors galore! but he's surviving! :) he is signing up for fall softball [or maybe it's baseball?] through his Local. i'm happy he is getting to do something for himself since he is always talking about needing an 'outlet'. i am just nervous because it starts at the end of the month and with rhys coming, i'm afraid i'd go into labor and not be able to get a hold of him or something! along with that - he's signing up for a 14 week prep class, also through the Local. it's for some classification - masters maybe? i honestly don't know [bad wife alert] but that is a weekly thing at night - so again, afraid he would be gone while i'm laboring my tail off!
i miss my sister, terribly.
i have blogged about her before here and how she went to CT with my dad. she has been there ever since, which don't get me wrong, i am happy about but i miss her! it's like ever since she has gone up there, we haven't talked much. years ago, my sister went to connecticut to finish one of her high school years. we talked A LOT then. like almost daily and for long periods of time. i guess i just assumed when she went this time, it would be the same. i just thought big changes were in store for her but it seems like it's the same ole, same ole - just a different state and different boyfriend/group of friends. i miss her. i wish good things for her.
my nana & grandy are moving closer! to virginia to be exact! it will be about a 2hr drive from us but that is SO much better than a 7hr one! they are in the process of packing up their house in connecticut [which consists of FOUR stories packed to the brim with THINGS] and then they will be on their way here! i wish i could be there to help my nana, i wish my sister would be there to help my nana since she's only 5 minutes away! but i digress.
i think that is all i have today :)
this week has been pretty busy at work and home. maternity pictures tonight, doctors tomorrow and possibly a girls night [woohoo!], hanging out with some good friends on saturday and sunday having a thirty-one party! feel free to check out the link [and place an order, duh!]. i am LOVING all the fall thirty-one products. actually, i can't wait until fall! cool breezes and cool rhys' [HA!]
I'm trying to do a similar cluster in my daughters room. So far I used fishing line since its clear but Please let me know if you find a better way!
I hung some paper lanterns kind of similar in my daughter's room and we used fishing line and nails. Just tied the fishing line around the nail and hammered it into the ceiling. Kind of a pain but it worked great!
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