August 19, 2011

it's friiiiiday!

well first, i'm lovin that it's friday!
i worked another full week this week - so this mama is tiiiiired!
[yeah, it's a big accomplishment when i work full weeks so the fact that i've worked two full weeks, in a row, is HUGE!]
i'm already contemplating taking monday off though .. ha!

anywayyyyy some things i've loved/am lovin this week:
this crochet blanket my coworker made me
how super sweet is that?!
and even sweeter is that it's a dull shade of blue and will look great in his room!
since learning to crochet, i have found such an appreciation for things like that.
i know how much hard work and time goes into doing projects like this!

i found this in my 'coffee' drawer this morning!
oh, heaven in a k-cup!
it was delish!
this big ole belly.
yeah, this week/today i'm lovin it!
don't get me wrong - i'm still ready for this pregnancy to be over
and have my normal body back 
but being that i only have like FOUR weeks left
i'm embracing this week :)
 ew, that button though
i'll be sure to tell rhys that i did not appreciate that!
my little artist :)
adam brought home these god-sends 
and they have kept little man entertained for hours! 
of course, he wants us to come sit by him or color with him
but giving him the freedom to color in such a large area has been great! 
he knows how to draw circles too ;)
we're trying to work on triangles and hearts too!
 these cinnabon clones
originally found here
i made them saturday night and threw them in the oven to bake sunday morning!
the recipe made about 12 rolls and i'm guessing i ate 8-9 of them!
i've had one every morning for breakfast! 
and they taste JUST.LIKE.CINNABON!!!!
these two <3
adam has been trying extra hard lately with kullen
and although he's still a SUPER mama's boy
and i'm worried to death about how things will be after rhys is born
i know with the help and support of adam
things will be okay!
i love how he's lookin up to hims dada!
my thirty-one order! :)
hopefully it comes in quickly because i'm ready to pack my hospital bag!
i ended up paying a little more out of pocket than i wanted too
but i got SO much product!
including two 'tall bins' for the boys with their names on it :) 
an owl coin purse and tons of others!

more specifically - my crochet board!
i have so many creative ideas floating - just need the time [and energy] to do them!
i've begun working on some bows 
and hope to get a few other mini projects done this weekend
and thennnnn
the etsy shop can be opened :) 
i'd like to get this up and running before the craft fair in Oct. 
so i can include that on my business card and/or table!

my sissy <3
she enrolled in college, finalllllly ;)
she is taking english, math and art appreciation! 
she also applied for a job at the college bookstore which would be perfect
so keep your fingers crossed for her!
luckily - she does already have a job
but bookstore will be better!!! ;)
i am proud of her!

one of my good friends is getting married tomorrow! <3
i'll be dragging my 9 month prego self to watch her walk down the isle
and marry the love of her life!
and i cannot wait!
congrats to katie & drew!!!

hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! 

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Oh my gosh! I am drooling at the picture of those cinnabons! I am totally making those this weekend! Cute belly pic!!!