April 3, 2013

favorite parts

every night at dinner, we begin by telling each other our favorite parts. it started when kullen was younger and now it's usually the first thing he says when we all sit down. that being said, rhys has heard this banter from day one of his life. he has begun participating by responding with 'ummm' when asked. within the last few months, he usually says 'umm dada' or 'umm kuwwen' ... which is really cute. :)

but the last few days, he's actually said things that have happened that day. 

on monday - we had ice cream with the easter bunny. so when we asked him at dinner what his favorite part was ... his response was 'ummm hop hop!' so, i said awww the easter bunny was your favorite part!!

yesterday we spent the day with our friends - heather and chloe. so at dinner, before my butt even hit the chair - rhys said 'your part??!! ummmm' so we all chuckled and i asked him what his favorite part was? he said 'umm co cooo' [co co = chloe!] and i couldn't believe it! he was actually saying something that made some sense!

my boy is getting so big and SMART. i'm amazed each day at the stuff he knows/learns. 

i also love this tradition we have at our dinner table. we got the idea from friends of ours who had kids around our kids age, so thanks bridgette! :) 

do you have any traditions for you and your family? 


The Best of Both Worlds said...

Oh my gosh!!! So big! He really is so smart! He says so much these days! We do the favorite things kinda. At bed though we ask what the best part o their day was.

Dinner is usually us asking Jr. about school and the only response we get is "I don't remember..." or "just stuff"

Nikki @ WishUponAShootingStar said...

I love this post! And even more so that Rhys is getting sooo big and wants to share his! This melts my heart! Awwww.

It's just Hailey and I at dinner every night. Most nights she says a grace before we eat. Then I ask her to tell me about her day. We spend the whole time trying to figure out every part of her day while she was at school. Sometimes she needs a little help remembering stuff. Then she asks me about my day. We don't talk about our days until the dinner table, besides asking if it was a good day or not. I love taking this time with her!

I tagged you in a post about Truths! If you get a chance, share some of your self truths and keep it going!
