September 25, 2012


- I need a blog make over, bad. it kills me that I'm home all day yet don't have the time to sit down and do it myself. and that on those rare occasions I DO have time ... I clean or attempt to sleep instead of getting on the computer.
part of my problem is that i hate my laptop ... yeah that one I spent like $800 on? yeah ....

- I have so much going on the next few weeks, it's ridiculous! ill be hosting THREE things/parties at my house which is crazy, even for me! just a peek into October:
5th - favorite things party at my house
6th - girls trip to st michaels
12th - book club at my house
13th - house warming, cookout and supposed game night at my house
14th - arbonne party at my house
19th - bonfire at heathers
20th - Halloween party for kids
21st - my birthday and renn fest!
27th - mande's very UNbirthday bash!

not to mention soccer every week, Halloween and probably a zillion other things I am forgetting! ;D

- kullen starts school on the 2nd. im dreading :( I have a feeling that he is going to be upset that I am not staying with him ... but maybe ill be wrong! I am excited for him to learn new things, though! like writing his name :) he can totes write a K :)

- boy's have been sick lately :/ everyone is feeling better now (fevers gone) but both have lingering, nasty sounding cough! :(

- I had an extreme couponing moment yesterday! my total at target was $124 and some change ... after coupons I spent $39! my haul included: 2 glade oil diffusers, 2 candles and refills, 5 shampoo/conditioners, 2 packs of razors, 2 Lipton sides, 2 homestyle Mac & cheeses, 2 pledge cleaners, 2 bed time baths, 2 dr sholls high heel inserts, huggies wipes and diapers - as well as clementines, strawberries, bread and bananas! PLUS i snagged a $5 gift card!! I was really happy with myself! probably my best trip so far!

- I still haven't taken Rhys' 1 year pictures!!! argh I feel like I'm so behind on his updates but it is SUCH hard work getting him to cooperate for pictures!

speaking of ... he is done his lunch so I'm off to attempt said pictures! and pictures for thank you cards which yeah, haven't gone out yet hahaa


Nicole said...

busy busy busy pea

The Best of Both Worlds said...

I keep thinking about thank you cards!!

Jeska said...

I'm still working on thank you cards too. I need to order her pics first though. So it may be awhile haha.