February 20, 2011

scavenger hunt sunday!

i am beyond excited! i am participating in [my first ever] scavenger hunt sunday hosted by ashley over at ramblings and photos! i have eyed this hunt since i first started following ashley but never got around to taking/editing/posting the pictures. not this week my friends! as soon as i saw the prompt 'chocolate', i KNEW i had to participate. after all, it has become apart of my daily diet! so, without further ado ...

1. chocolate
my newest favorite. it's actually nutella, not milk chocolate but you'd never know unless i told you! ;]

2. numbers
my nana bought kullen his very first [sticker] sudoko book!

3. canned food

 4. music
some of my favorites.
does ANYONE know/remember loud lucy. i loved them!

 5. stack
what i should be doing.
kindle, water fo elephants, what to expect and pregnany journal!


Anonymous said...

that chocolate (nutella) looks divine. I've heard good things about it :D
your music selection rocks, i'm digging the sublime albums. (unfortunately i don't remember loud lucy, sorry)
great photos, all!!!

Ashley Sisk said...

So glad you've participated - your chocolate shot looks delicious. I hope to see you again next week!

Anonymous said...

You chocolate shot is just yummy! Wow! Great photos! It's my first time joining too! I had a blast and I think I'm having more fun looking at everyone else's shots!

Cecily R said...

YOur chocolate shot is DIVINE!

jillconyers said...

The color and textures of your chocolate shot are amazing.