January 17, 2011

a vlog!

ok y'all ... don't judge. i am a HOT MESS in this vlog but i wanted to do it after seeing it on a few other blogs and this was the only time i had a few moments to myself. all weekend i thought about getting dolled up and redoing it but then decided why? why go through all that trouble when this hot mess you see is just who i am! ;] i have a feeling it won't be my last VLOG - i kinda enjoyed it! haha!


MandeeFoFandee said...

I'm not gunna lie, I kind of laughed my ass off (LMAO) at this, just cause it's weird seeing you on a video, ya nerd! buuuut I think it's a really cool idea, especially since there are like NO Maryland bloggers that I follow.

also, when you great a group of people? HEY GAHS.

Still Standing ... said...

Very cool idea !! It was weird watching you because I know you =)

BTW they are potato bugs silly girl

Steph said...

Ditto to Mandee's entire comment, haha!! This Vlog and your answers are exactly why I love ya girl!!
Do more!!

The Best of Both Worlds said...

I had to laugh too! But I totally love this idea of vlog'ing. & Jon watched too waiting for Adam to scream in the background or pop up in the video.

icepicked said...

I totaly love this I get to hear your sweet voice and funny answers

Lori said...

Ah! I want to do this!