November 17, 2010

this girl is stylin!

thank you jessi ;]
i absolutely love blog lovin & awards!

so, seven things you [may or] may not know about me:

1. i'm [nicely put] untidy and i HATE it.
2. i used to drive a vw beetle. i wish i still had it.
3. i was a colicky baby and a terror tot.
4. i love to sing. if i could make a living singing, i would.
5. i'm [mentally] a very strong person. i can say that proudly.
6. i have horrible skin. you wouldn't know it from looking at my face because luckily that skin is near perfect but everywhere else sucks.
7. i want A LOT of kids.

i'm tagging:

megan @ mommy minded

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your list!