I'm sorry that I'm not perfect.
I'm sorry that I often do immature things.
I'm sorry that I jump to conclusions.
I'm sorry that I'm a jealous person.
I'm sorry that I'm not made of money.
I'm sorry that I tend to over react.
I'm sorry that I'm not the BEST friend.
I'm sorry that I don't please everyone.
I'm sorry that I have such a quick temper.
I'm sorry I'm not the perfect wife.
I'm sorry that I'm not the perfect mother.
I'm sorry that I'm not the perfect daughter.
I'm sorry that I'm not the perfect sister.
I'm sorry that I'm often insecure.
I'm sorry that I'm not America's Next Top Model.
I'm sorry that I'm a b*tch.
I'm sorry that I hate talking on the phone.
I'm sorry that I'm lazy.
I'm sorry that sometimes I'm a light weight.
I'm sorry that I'm defensive of my family & friends.
I'm sorry that I eat too much.
I'm sorry that I'm sometimes annoying.
I'm sorry that I nag.
I'm sorry that not everyone likes me.
I'm sorry that I talk about those who've done me wrong.
I'm sorry that I hold grudges.
I'm sorry that I don't do everything right.
I'm sorry that I'm not lovable 100% of the time.
I'm sorry that I drive like a maniac.
I'm sorry that I'm judgmental.
I'm sorry that I have feelings that often get hurt.
I'm sorry that I'm not always strong.
I'm sorry that I have beliefs.
I'm sorry that I don't trust people easily.
I'm sorry that I'm not what you expected.
I'm sorry that I have tattoos and piercings.
I'm sorry that I'm different.
I'm sorry that I eat myself up about things.
I'm sorry that I'm not always thankful for what I have.
I'm sorry for every accident I've been in.
I'm sorry that those who don't like me – aren't brave enough to say it.
I'm sorry that I've changed.
But most of all…
I'm sorry that I'm NOT sorry.
i actually wrote this two and a half years ago. i obviously edited it a little bit, but for the most part, i kept it how it was. after i wrote it, i felt REALLY good about it because even though i'm NOT perfect - i am ME - and all those things that are mentioned are what MAKE me me. it was one of those 'i'm sorry i'm not like YOU' posts and it really was the beginning of me finding out who exactly i was. i still definitely feel that way but i felt that this next 'i am...' was more appropriate for my life right now. so here goes ..
i'm in love with my best friend. [colbie]
i'm lucky that i have an amazing son, who surprises me daily with his entire being.
i'm lucky that i have a GOOD job. [yeah, i know. i hate it and wish i DIDN'T have to work but that being said - i'm still lucky]
i'm lucky that i have friends, and GOOD ones at that.
i'm lucky that i have a cute little house.
i'm lucky that i have great family.
i'm lucky that i have all ten fingers and all ten toes.
i'm lucky that i have all my senses! [i only say that because i went for a couple weeks, after being sick, without my sense of smell and taste and you REALLY don't know how awful that is until it happens. i missed the taste of everything!!]
i'm lucky that i have a car that i can drive anywhere i want.
i'm lucky that i have disposable income. [sometimes, hehe]
i'm lucky that i have a gorgeous fatcat!
i'm lucky that i not only have food, but GOOD food on my table every night.
i'm lucky that i have a little sister, whom i love and would do anything for.
i'm lucky that i have great parents who reared me VERY well.
i'm lucky that i am overall healthy.
i'm lucky that i live in america.
i'm lucky that i even have feelings to now and then get upset when i'm hurt.
i'm lucky that i have learned from my past.
i'm lucky that i have been forgiven.
i'm lucky that i have something to believe in.
i'm lucky that i'm not as bitter as i used to be.
i'm lucky that i have learned to be thankful.
i'm lucky that i know how to let go.
i'm lucky that i am different.
i'm lucky that i am ME!
... that i AM blessed. ♥
i am lucky that i won the 'blessed' giveaway from the crafty nest! [brag much? hehe]

how cute is that!!! :)
so, i could definitely go on and on of how i am lucky and blessed because it's true. making a short list of all the things i am lucky enough to have makes me feel not-so-bad about the UNLUCKY things in my life. and i'm not even sure if lucky is the proper wording here - perhaps fortunate but either way .. looking at all the ways that i AM totally make up for all the things that i am NOT!
i'd love to hear what everyone else feels lucky/blessed/fortunate for. feel free to post your own and link back or let me know you did so i can be sure to read yours :)
Wow! I love that necklace, and I love what you wrote! I too am "sorry". :0)
oh man, I remember that "I'm Sorry" post from MySpace! I did the same one! well for one, I'm lucky for the ability to live comfortably when it comes to money, and I'm lucky to have people who understand my bitterness. :)
I love this! Very honest :)
yaay! congrats :).. winning is so much fun!!
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