well, this weekend turned out to be bad yet good [maybe] and lazy yet productive! haha! friday i was home sick all day ... NOTHING made me feel better :( adam came home from work with stronger meds - that made me feel somewhat better, and then he was off again to head down to a local 26 meeting. about 10 minutes after he left, i get a phone call from him telling me that he'd been hit and i needed to come because his truck wouldn't start =/ so, i go get him - file a claim with our insurance - get his truck towed and go back home. parts were hanging from underneath his truck and at first the tow guy thought it had just 'popped out of place' but then later corrected himself and said it was definitely broken and outcome didn't seem good ... so searching for the blessing in this situation, is that adam did need a new car since he picks kullen up daily. but the downfall is when we think of having ANOTHER car payment, ughhhh .. so yeah ..after all that, we just went to bed =/
saturday, despite still feeling stuffy - we went out and got mr. a nice rental car - mazda 3! ran to toys R us - where i got an amazing deal! =) i had to return a 'baby eintstein' dvd because lil man already had it - so i did an even exchange on it, and picked up 2 more while i was there. one of the dvds, had a save 10$ now coupon and i had a save 5$ coupon with me as well! so i was able to use both and saved 15$ [which is the price of one dvd] :D kullen LOVES 'my first signs' dvd. he will be signing in no time! hehe!
then we grocery shopped, where i saved a whopping 76$ :D :D :D talk about a bargin shopper! =D
also - regarding cars, my mom got a new one!! :D a brand new kia optima! she brought it by last night for me to see, and i'm now kicking myself for not taking a picture. bad blogger =X
anyway - for our messy march theme ... here are a few pictures of my lil ham, which has taken on an entirely new meaning lately. this boy EATS! any and EVERYTHING you give him! like mother, like son i guess ... haha!
kullen's first taco salad ...
...and he cleans his 'plate' ;]
also - on topic of 'firsts' ... first chocolate chip cookie! although, it's not so much messy ... i didn't let him hold it! ;]
haha, his lil smirk cracks me up!
so, other than all that - our weekend has been mostly relaxing. we have gotten A LOT of cleaning done ... kitchen has been deep cleaned [floors, cabinets, oven and fridge], all laundry done, adam organized our garage, and the rest of the house is nice and tidy. don't get me wrong, we still have a while to go before our 'spring cleaning' list is complete - but we feel accomplished.
not to mention my house smells amazing, thanks to kath dropping off my latest order of scentys! =) i am currently using coconut lemon-grass upstairs and vanilla suede downstairs!
check her site out here
this morning, i made my first scones! i must admit, i cheated ;] i had a box of 'cinnabon' mix ... from bjs, which you can either make muffins, coffee cake, cinnabread or scones. so, i wanted to make scones to go with our morning coffee ... and even though they are technically from a box, the technique is NOT - so i am ultimtely proud of myself! :D and they were DEEEEE-lish!
nom. weekends are filled with nothing but food, it's awful. adam is wanting me to make asparagus stuffed chicken breast tonight ... so i have a feeling more food pictures will be coming! ;]
so one more picture before i'm done ... can you believe how big my boy is getting. :( he will be NINE months on friday. AH. i will have to do something special for him ... maybe buy him a pup. [ha, kath!]
ok, so i lied ... not done ... caps just scored, in OVERTIME! =D soooooo, C-A-P-S CAPS! CAPS! CAPS! is now being chanted in my house ... i wonder if kullens first 'chant' will be for the caps, i have a feeling it will be. till then, i'll cherish the fact that only one of my boy poags can talk ;]
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