May 4, 2011

the poags go marching ..

on sunday, May 1st
the poags went 'a marchin!
we marched for healthier babies.
we marched for our friends and their little ones.
we marched for OUR babies.

many babies are born early. 
some by choice (doctors or mothers)
some NOT by choice.
either way, we march and pledge and donate for the resources to take care of those early babies.

kullen spent the first five days of his life in the NICU.
he was born early by the choice of my doctor and myself.
had i of known, i would have declined the option.
i know better this time.
unless a baby is ready and coming on his/her own
it shouldn't be born any earlier than it has too!

we had a great turn out at the March of Dimes walk
Gianna & the baby steppers did their thang! 
we all endured every bit of 5miles 
and with smiles on our faces :)

[this is his excited face!]

michele, heather and my-prego-self!

something was staaaanky!

our group.
we were the largest team there!

i cannot wait to do this again next year.
it was very inspiring to see all these people come out and walk for healthier babies.
it was amazing to see the 50+ people who love gianna & her family enough to walk with them.
i'm proud to be one of those people!
thanks to everyone who supported our team and helped us reach our goals! 
see you next year, MOD!

[all images courtesy of heather and mandee]

1 comment:

The Best of Both Worlds said...

Very good post! I am trying to post an update of the past week haha! This was so much fun! I def will be doing it again!