the hub and i got out saturday evening for some adult time. it wasn't too bad because we left around eight and kullen was already ready for bed. i much rather prefer it that way versus going out earlier because then i just miss hims too much.
although i said i wasn't planning on blogging about it, i am frustrated with my uterus at the moment. as i mentioned in THIS post, we are trying for another baby. it seriously feels like we've been trying for MONTHS but i suppose, in reality, it's only been three months. it took exactly three months for me to get pregnant with kullen so maybe it will happen soon but i feel like i have given up. i was using ovulation test strips and had positive readings every month and still nothing. i didn't buy anything this month, what's the point. i know that i'm ovulating. ugh. and of course everyone says 'don't stress about it' or 'it'll happen as soon as you stop trying' but how can i stop trying for something that i want? even if i say 'ok, not trying' - it is still in the back of my mind. UGH. frustration at its best.
my birthday is approaching :) i'll be twenty six. BLAH. old! i am looking forward to going to the melting pot with my favorites though. :) we all gathered for my 23rd and it was the best birthday dinner ever! they even did a champagne toast to me! hehe! i'm hoping to trump that this year ... most of the people pictured below will still be in attendance - plus some new faces :)

i think i might ask the hub for photoshop for my birthday present ... i've really been wanting it lately and i think it will be the perfect addition to my camera and blog!
i've been feeling crafty lately. well i guess i should say EXTRA crafty! i went to AC Moore yesterday and got some yarn, fabric and a DIY apron kit :) the apron kit seems nice and easy - it comes with the fabric and pattern so all i have to do is sew it up - perfect for a beginner like me. OH! i also purchased some clearance DIY jewelry! i honestly don't know the slightest thing about jewelry making but i figured it shouldn't be TOO hard. google has everything so i'm thinking positive! the fabric i got is to make these cuuuuute little owls to hang from my stair banister! :) i found this picture - the ones i'm making are pretty similar but i chose different colors ;)

i've been down lately ... i mean, not extremely down but just a little bit. unfortuntely it's not something i can blog about. sometimes i want too, just to get it out and get some outside unbiast opinions but i'm just not ready yet. typical me cares too much for other people and their feelings when its definitely not a mutual thing. as easy as it is to stay you're done and you've washed your hands sometimes the heavy heart just wont allow it entirely.
kullen is getting SO big. he continues to amaze me everyday. he is becoming more vocal and saying a few more things - mostly babble but it's still the cutest thing on earth ♥ he is still my best eater and bedtime is a breeze. in the last month he has cut five new teeth - all four molars and one bottom! despite that, he's still been a happy/good boy! we definitely have our moments with him and his tantrums but the flash of one smile makes me forget!
i realized that i've completed a few more things on my 101 project! i will blog about them soon, promise! i am hoping to complete a few more within the upcoming months! :) i was thinking about it this morning and wonder if some of the things on my list are actually reachable goals (going to California, losing 20lbs, leaving the US) - part of me just thinks that within the allowable time - it won't happen but oh well ... it isn't about the outcome, i'ts about the journey right?
i am lovin fall ♥
billy currington's 'must be doin somethin right'
blueberry coffee
free sampling
my new scentsy scents!
any new followers stopping by from FMBT! :)

Aw,I'm sure it will happen soon! Just like your 101 project- enjoy the journey ;) or at least try to!
Kaley I love your Blog and your feelings Just Know you can always call me and vent.... I have always had big shoulders for you to lean on if I hadnt read this till 12:46a.m. I would have called you ! ! I Love You !!!! Dad and Papa Goob
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